This series of artworks chronicles 18 months of small triumphs over difficulties, sacrifices, self-doubts and burdens as well as a few sleepless nights. But above all, a year and a half of small joys, gratitude, achievements and satisfaction. In other words, tons of emotions.
We wanted something that would capture these fleeting moments, preserve them and allow their stories to be told. Photographer Anne-Lise Vullioud accompanied Laurent for several months as he built the SUP-Surfboards. She captured these fleeting moments with her artistic flair and immortalized them in her camera.
"Shaping" is a very special picture to us. By the time Laurent reaches this stage of the work, a calm, serene atmosphere reigns in the workshop. For him, it's almost a moment of respite, when hand and fingers are solely responsible for the force and length applied by the planer. The chips that come out are a testimony to the accomplished work.
This tableau offers a double reading which empasizes the singular character of the work. Either in front, experiencing the photography printed edge-to-edge on a hand-brushed épicea wood support, or sideways discovering the assembled frame made of different layers of stained skateboard veneers.
88cm x 88cm, UV Print on structured, individually hand-brushed spruce wood.
Photographer : Anne-Lise Vullioud
Limited execution of 1 table.
Being exposed at the exhibition "LGS - ART OF SLIDE" at the Hotel des Horlogers,
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